Ben S. Bernanke, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, is facing some opposition in winning a confirmation for his second term as Chair. As a man who is nearly universally proclaimed as the savior of the American economy from a deep depression, it seems amazing. The mainstream press has been a cheerleader and books have been written extolling his heroics. What is happening?
My own view of the man is spread throughout this blog, especially in my comments on his speech on January 2nd. He practices a science that is tailor made to not learn of causal relationships. He gives the impression of being non-political. He appears to be the ultimate academic bureaucrat.
Bernanke always appears poised and rock solid in his pronouncements and prognostications. This is his view of how a Fed Chair should be. Unfortunately, he appears rock solid regardless of the veracity or wisdom of his statements. Here are some examples: He appeared poised and rock solid when he said that there was no problem with the rise in housing prices a couple years ago. He appeared the same when he said that the problems with foreclosures would have no impact on the economy. He appeared the same when he said that Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac were in excellent financial health. He appeared the same when he and the Treasury nationalized the failing Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac a few days later. He appeared the same when he began nationalizing banks and put a couple trillion dollars into the economy. He appeared the same when he said that events that coincided with injections of money were coincidences. He appeared the same when he said that the probable cause of the foreclosure problem was the use of risky mortgages offered to substandard credit borrowers, even though he knew that the Fed had pushed with the rest of the Federal government for lowering credit standards for mortgages for years. The guy has an appearance that does not connect to the real world.
I also think that any man who accepts the chair of the Fed has to be regarded as having a questionable psychology. This is one of the most powerful, political positions in the world. Anyone willing to accept that much power over his fellow man has problems.
At this point, there is very little suggestion in the mainstream press that the Fed is responsible for the house price bubble. As I mentioned, there is nearly universal acclaim for his leadership in keeping the U.S. economy from depression. Why then is his confirmation being opposed by several Democrats?
The good news is that several democrats are criticizing Bernanke for the bailouts. The bad news is that they are criticizing the bailouts primarily because these politicians think the companies bailed out are unpopular. It is a play of the class warfare card.
It is okay, they think for the Fed to have pumped a trillion or two into the economy. It is okay for him to have wielded the power he has, along with the Treasury.
One set of criticisms of Bernanke is that he gave too much money to AIG and did not add conditions. These criticisms aren’t that Bernanke bailed out AIG, but that he didn’t do it in a certain fashion. Somehow, in his headlong dash to dole out all the money he could create, Bernanke was suppose to make sure that the money wasn’t suppose to be used for AIG’s actual business, which, in this case, was to insure certain investments tied to mortgage backed securities. If AIG failed to meet its contractual obligations, those companies would suffer sever difficulties and many would fail. What was AIG suppose to do with the money? These congressional critics are all for the use of government money as a means of manipulating the economy, confiscate assets, and generally extend the government’s reach, but they are outraged that the money was used for contracted, normal business activities. It is just another example of the attitude of the political climate that the importance of contract is ignored and denied. The worthiness of attacking a person because their actions inadvertently helped a company that can be attacked for political gain.
One criticism that I have heard only a little is that he has lied at several stages of the bail-out. He lied to BoA on the financial health of Merrill Lynch, and then when they found out the depth of the problem he threatened the Bank’s leadership and implied that he would put someone in their place who would do what he, Bernanke, wanted. The man feels as though he may do as he pleases with his power. He lied about the AIG deal and his representatives at the New York Fed told AIG to keep quite (for which the AIG officials are blamed with the suggestion that AIG instigated the deceit, when it was obviously the Fed). He has lied about the role of the Fed in the lowering of credit standards for sub-prime mortgages, implying that it was the nefarious and evil mortgage brokers, who had only their jobs and businesses to loose. The man apparently feels that any statement he makes is acceptable because he is “saving” the country from depression. He must “do all it takes”, which means forcing people to do what is not in their best interest. At best, Bernanke believes in sacrificing others for the sake of “the greater good”. Not to psychologize, but it is just as possible that he just likes the power.
I have seen that many people are happy that Bernanke may be rejected. They are joining the chorus, albeit a small one at the moment, in calling for his confirmation to fail. Bernanke should be fired, at the very least. He should not continue in a post that he doesn’t understand and mishandled so badly. I cannot deny that I too would feel good about the Senate sending him home. But. But! BUT! There is a small, okay, a big problem.
If Bernanke, the lying, self-deluded, power craving, freedom destroying, bureaucrat loses his job on Sunday. What happens? Obama gets to appoint a new Fed Chairman. Obama. Obama gets to appoint the person who is quite possibly the most powerful person in the world economy. Obama.
I am afraid. The prospect of Obama placing a person in the Fed Chair frightens me more than Bernanke does.
I have not kept track of Obama’s appointments. But from what I can tell, his people are radical, anti-freedom socialists and fascists. I am not aware of a single competent person. The guy at the Treasury is the one who forced through much of the current economic plan as head of the New York Fed. He came to the government from Goldman Sacks, and he turns out to be a pragmatist of the first order, willing to use government power to control and manipulate. He is not a capitalist. If there are people in Obama’s administration who do not want to actively expand government power, they haven’t made an impact.
So, what can we expect from an Obama appointment that could get through the Senate confirmation process? Anyone who has paid their taxes, including their nannies taxes, who will use the Fed as the means to further corrupt, undermine, and destroy what little remains of our freedom and capitalistic system. Is that better than Bernanke? Bernanke’s one little bitty redeeming piece of character is that he is an academic, as corrupt and pragmatic as that is. He is not overtly political. He is certainly not a supporter of capitalism, and he has shown no willingness to oppose any of Obama’s drive to fascism. Nor will his policies help stabilize and strengthen the economy. But, he is not going to act as Obama’s pawn or tool in the manner that Obama’s own selection would. It is a small difference, but sufficient that I am willing to argue for Bernanke’s return for another term.
If you want to argue that putting Obama’s person into the Fed will make our current situation much worse and that people will rebel against Obama and the destruction of our freedom I am willing to listen. But, I think that it is too early for us to do that. People don’t know any more about freedom and capitalism than they did three years ago. It is still too soon. I think that we can use more time in a slowly deteriorating situation to further our efforts to save our freedom and the United States of America. I want more time.
The Next Govt Shutdown Crisis
Given news reporting about Republicans causing a government shutdown at the
end of the month as a Trump election strategy, I decided to check the
progress ...
5 months ago
Very well said. I've had mixed thoughts with regard to Bernanke as well, for the same reasons. For now, he's the lesser of two evils.