This idiot program has been discussed in other places regarding its failings as a stimulas, as a provider of real jobs, as a wealth producer, and as a drag on the economy. I want to talk about it regarding its impact on inflation.
This is a direct price inflation input into the economy.
As we know from economists, inflation affects industries and people unevenly. Its first impact is where the new money enters the economy. There are at least two sectors in our economy that have been receiving made up money for decades which are major distributors of consumer level price inflation. They are very obvious: health care and higher education (the costs of which have been raising at over 7% a year for decades).
Most of the rest of the inflation has been coming in via the expansion of bank credit, i.e., exported inflation by way of the trade deficit, and asset balloons like the tech stock bubble and the residential real estate bubble.
Here we have money to be pumped directly into the consumer economy by way of unproductive jobs. The good news is that this entry point into the economy will not cause asset bubbles or significantly increase our trade deficit. The bad news is that it will feed directly into consumer prices.
A major technical hurtle in understanding how newly made money filters through our economy is understanding why prices haven’t risen more over the past twenty years. Don’t yell at me that the government CPI under measures inflation, it doesn’t matter. My standard is real, corporate profits, which is to say, their real, ongoing costs of production. If we had significant price inflation, those costs would be causing ongoing corporate profit problems because the cost of replacing materials would be higher each cycle, and you would see problems. We don’t see cost problems to speak of. The inflation is going elsewhere.
We do have other consequences of inflation: the trade deficit, or actually, the money that leaves and doesn’t come back (yet) and asset bubbles. Some suggest that our rising productivity soaks up made up money, and thus prices don’t drop as they normally would. I don’t disagree with this suggestion. I don’t think that it’s large enough to make up the difference between the actual amount of inflation and the experienced level of price inflation. I admit that I don’t have figures (if it is actually possible to have “figures”).
We do see in front of us on a daily basis the method that made up money makes it into the economy: the federal payroll and federal retirement benefits, plus social security. To the extent that the government finances itself via inflation, the federal payroll, etc., is a dispenser of money that goes directly into consumer prices. How does the federal government do that? I mean that I am on record as saying that as long as the deficit is funded by selling bonds, then there is no inflation stemming from the deficit. No body called me on that. You see, a significant portion of the annual federal deficit is funded by foreign central banks and other foreigners buying federal bonds. All of the money coming from foreign central banks is made up money. Plus, some of the federal debt is purchased by the Fed, though not much. Therefore, a lot of the federal spending each year is in made up money, which goes directly into the consumer markets, and is a source of the rise of prices and price inflation. It’s nice to figure these things out.
So, the conclusion about Obama’s grand unproductive jobs program is that he will be adding yet another source for inflating the prices we see when we go out to the market. Thank you B.O.
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